Eaton STS Transferring during utility maintenance?


Operating engineer
Hey guys,
This is my first post so I'll keep it short. I work at a data center that utilizes block and Generator redundancy. Each block is equipped with a 3MW Cat generator and a Mitsubishi UPS. Downstream to that is a CDS that distributes power to 8 STS. There is a redundant CDS that comes from our redundant block that also feeds into our STS which is our "Source 2." Typical normal setup is main line utility through our MDS to our UPS back to our MDS and feeds our CDS which gets distributed to our STS's (source 1). That's the set up in a nut shell. Now the issue is during our annual maintenance of the UPS we had to transfer our load to Gen's we had done this on one block a day prior with no issues. But today during transfer we had 3 STS's transfer to source 2 for no apparent reason. We had this problem before and still no answer from our tech support just throwing it out there see if anyone else in the industry had this issue.
The STS senses "good" power and for some reason, it considered the generator not "good". Especially since there were (3) that made that decision, it isn't a fluke, it is the power quality of the generator or the transition.
Is the transition open transition or closed?
The STS senses "good" power and for some reason, it considered the generator not "good". Especially since there were (3) that made that decision, it isn't a fluke, it is the power quality of the generator or the transition.
Is the transition open transition or closed?
It's an open transition.