ECG in attic/walls wihout conduit

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San Jose CA USA
Planning a PV system on roof. It's a small system, around 15 PV modules producing less than 1A each. Microinverters converting to AC at the modules so wiring run down to service panel is standard AC. #12 AWG wire should be adequate or maybe upsize to #10. In any case in multiple places I find that independent of the conductor size, the required ECG is #6

Because I don't want conduit running down the outside of the house, I want to run Romex (NM) though the attic to a J-box on roof and on the other end it would run down the inside of a wall to the panel. My question is if it's OK to run the #6 ECG alongside the Romex without conduit. It would be protected in the same manner as the Romex, i.e. stapled to vertical side of joists, not on top where it could be stepped on, etc. Primary motivation here is that it would be a nightmare to install conduit into this very unfriendly attic.

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