Economy melt down.

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How many of you doing new construction have experienced a lack of work due to the recent real estate and economy hit?

I always tell my guys to stay positive never get discouraged and look forward not behind.

In 2000-2004 new construction was never ending. Employees were complaining about too much overtime, too much wire and material coming off the trucks delivered to the electrical shops. Too many new homes and commercial buildings going up.

I can remember saying this is a good sign of steady work. Now the same electricians are complaining about a slowed down economy and recession.

When the work is there please take advantage of it.:roll:
I'm not sure where the recession is at that people speak of. I really havn't seen it. Unemployment dropped to just 5% last month, and inflation is flat at 3%. This was just in the paper (part of an AP story):

So far this year, overall inflation is rising at an annual rate of 3 percent, down from a 4.1 percent increase for all of 2007. Core inflation, excluding energy and food, is up at an annual rate of 1.8 percent in the first four months of this year, compared with a 2.4 percent increase for all of 2007

When Carter was President, inflation was over 14% and unemployment was over 7%. In 2008, we're doing just fine. God bless America.

The sky is not falling, and everything goes in cycles.
mike johnson said:
Now the same electricians are complaining about a slowed down economy and recession.

When the work is there please take advantage of it.:roll:

.....and save for a rainy day. I realized that when I started in this trade. Although I've beed steadily employed for most of my carreer there are slow times.

Americans. Over extended, and paycheck to paycheck. I'd freak too if I had to live that way.
energy and food.

energy and food.

mdshunk said:
I'm not sure where the recession is at that people speak of. I really havn't seen it. Unemployment dropped to just 5% last month, and inflation is flat at 3%. This was just in the paper (part of an AP story):

When Carter was President, inflation was over 14% and unemployment was over 7%. In 2008, we're doing just fine. God bless America.

The sky is not falling, and everything goes in cycles.

I always ask where the recession is to others and i get food and gas prices are rising help help help i need a raise.

Well i have raised my electrical prices 12% this year and i haven't regret it since. Homeowners and Gc's will always say anything is too high so what's the difference.:confused:

Alot of people in america also loved when Carter was president. Maybe that is the percent they want again.
mike johnson said:
Alot of people in america also loved when Carter was president.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm don't think so.

edit: --> i should rephrase: i wasn't alive when jimmy carter was president, so I don't know first hand, but I don't know a soul that thinks he was a good president. i wouldn't vote for him if given the chance, especially nowadays.
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mike johnson said:
Alot of people in america also loved when Carter was president. Maybe that is the percent they want again.
I remember from maybe the only Simpson's episode I ever watched, this quote:

"Jimmy Carter?! He's history's greatest monster!"
-- Someone in a crowd after a statue of Carter is unveiled

I must say that my wife and I do donate to Habitat for Humanity.

I'm going to use my psychic powers and say that if we get a President from the Democratic party this time around, it will be announced around February following the election that everything is all better now. :)
mdshunk said:
I'm not sure where the recession is at that people speak of. I really havn't seen it. Unemployment dropped to just 5% last month, and inflation is flat at 3%. This was just in the paper (part of an AP story):

When Carter was President, inflation was over 14% and unemployment was over 7%. In 2008, we're doing just fine. God bless America.

The sky is not falling, and everything goes in cycles.
Inflation is flat? Do you still ride a horse or do you actually purchase petrolium products???? This is going to drive the price of everything to the moon. The sky is not falling the moon is rising. Who is determining these cost of living numbers ?? Unemployment numbers drop when the unemployed run out of benefits and they still dont have a job. And I wont say who did it but some president decided to include all of the military as employed in the numbers to make them look better.
quogueelectric said:
Inflation is flat? Do you still ride a horse or do you actually purchase petrolium products????
Do you realize that there's nearly 80,000 items in the CPI? Gas is up. Oh my God, we're headed for certain disaster. :grin:

quogueelectric said:
Unemployment numbers drop when the unemployed run out of benefits and they still dont have a job.
Then surely you know that in 1996 a Clinton administration spokesperson called 5.6% unemployment "essentially full employment"?
quogueelectric said:
And I wont say who did it but some president decided to include all of the military as employed in the numbers to make them look better.

Of course we all know who this guy is
:D Just like the saying goes. Just like you get what you pay for. You also get what you vote for.:grin: Don't complain about gas prices rising when you voted for it. Come November we will see if anyone has learned from it.
mdshunk said:
Do you realize that there's nearly 80,000 items in the CPI? Gas is up. Oh my God, we're headed for certain disaster. :grin:

Then surely you know that in 1996 a Clinton administration spokesperson called 5.6% unemployment "essentially full employment"?
I will show you this post in 6 months and you can tell me how good things got I told you so style.
macmikeman said:
Not a fan of the former president who grew peanuts, but this thread has more politics than the ones I get tossed off the air for.

It is definitely headed that way, so it's best that this one is shut down.

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