EC's charging EC's

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Senior Member
Wilmington, NC
The EC doing the building stubbed out 3 PVC's for my use. They were doing the building and used 60' of 3/4, 30' of 1", and 3 90's/couplings.

They want $750. (It got stubbed out prior to our agreeing to the work, and the owner and I agreed I could come up on the outside of the building).

I don't want the guy to do the work for free, but $750 seems rather steep. The electrician on site said they didn't spend more than an hour or so doing it.

Comments? What seems fair?
LarryFine said:
Sounds like it's between that EC and the GC/owner.

Or, tell him what you're willing to pay and tell him that if it's not acceptable to get the difference from the GC.
hardworkingstiff said:
The EC doing the building stubbed out 3 PVC's for my use. They were doing the building and used 60' of 3/4, 30' of 1", and 3 90's/couplings.

They want $750. (It got stubbed out prior to our agreeing to the work, and the owner and I agreed I could come up on the outside of the building).

I don't want the guy to do the work for free, but $750 seems rather steep. The electrician on site said they didn't spend more than an hour or so doing it.

Comments? What seems fair?

welcome to the way many guys in this industry make low and bang 'em for change orders...
Who asked him to stub out the 3 conduits. If the GC did, let the GC pay him. I would think it was necessary no matter who the next electrician was, so GC probably had him do it. Seems like he is working for the GC, not you. If on the other hand you asked him to do it, it seems like yoou're on the hook for it.
hardworkingstiff said:
They want $750. (It got stubbed out prior to our agreeing to the work, and the owner and I agreed I could come up on the outside of the building).

It sounds like they were planning to do the work and stubbed out the necessary conduit ( not part of original contract and no change order just thinking ahead). Now the GC has found someone to do the work cheaper but the original EC feels he owns this conduit ( in the slab ). Conduit already in the slab can be very valuable. When the GC wishes to use someone else for the work then they make him pay through the nose for the conduit.

There are two ways to look at this:

1 . How much time and materials did it actually cost? Less than $750.
2. How much is it worth ? How much to cut the slab and run the conduit now. More than $750.

If the GC knew this work needed to be done then why was it not part of the original contract? If additional, then why no change order?
hardworkingstiff said:
The EC doing the building stubbed out 3 PVC's for my use.
(It got stubbed out prior to our agreeing to the work, and the owner and I agreed I could come up on the outside of the building).

To me, it doesn't appear this was in the scope of your contract (You'll have to read it to be sure)

Like the others say....this is between the GC and the other EC....and should have no reflection/ramifications of your contract price ~ providing it is not within the scope of your contract.
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