Copied and pasting here from YouTube comment section per Mike Holts request. Video was about bonding raceway to a bonded/grounded can.
"i know it's considered bonded by code but I'm saying the locknut and the shoulder of the connector are only making contact with the nonconductive paint on the enclosure. The electrical continuity occurs where the threaded portion of the connector happens to touch the unpainted area inside of the KO, yes? Is it fair to say we are relying on those two components making incidental contact for our effective gfcp?"
"i know it's considered bonded by code but I'm saying the locknut and the shoulder of the connector are only making contact with the nonconductive paint on the enclosure. The electrical continuity occurs where the threaded portion of the connector happens to touch the unpainted area inside of the KO, yes? Is it fair to say we are relying on those two components making incidental contact for our effective gfcp?"