Picture this: The seismic requirements on a job require that the feeder conduits coming out of the Main switch gear start out with flexible conduit, for at least a foot. Then they can adapt to whatever works after that. In this job I'm on we went FMC out of the top and then converted to EMT. Some of the runs go with EMT all the way to their destination. But some other pipes go out the building and convert to PVC. All the Conduits in question that go to PVC have conductors that are protected with 225A, 400A, 800A, and 1600A OCPD. Therefore the FMC between the EMT and the switchgear does not qualify as an equipment grounding conductor per 250.118. I believe the EMT in question is ineffectively bonded for handling ground fault current. My co-workers disagree because they say your allowed to use FMC by itself in any length anyways. And as long as you pull a seperate egc, then no worries. I feel like I have no leg to stand on because, why would the code require all non current carrying parts of an electrical system to be proprely bonded, but at the same time let us use FMC thats not an egc. because it would still need to carry its own ground fault current if a fault happened in the middle of a run. Any comments or answers would be cool, thanks.