EGC on existing building

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tulsa, OK
I would like to add another question regarding EGC on an existing building: what would happen if the existing conduit is Rigid underground and originally used as an EGC, and a continuity test shows the conduit is not operating as intended? In addition, there is no space inside the conduit to add wire to be used as EGC.

If the conduit is failing as an EGC then it needs to be replaced because it's probably failing as a raceway as well. I would doubt that you could even remove the existing conductors if the conduit is that far gone.
If the conduit is failing as an EGC then it needs to be replaced because it's probably failing as a raceway as well. I would doubt that you could even remove the existing conductors if the conduit is that far gone.
Appreciate the response, this will be a costly fix. but I can't see another solution myself. Thank you
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