EGC Sizing

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Electrical Technology
Supposed that I have a 1-ph, 230 V motor with FLC of 8 Amps.

If I use 12 AWG for this (20 Amps @ 60 deg C)..

1. Am I right to use 50 AT MCCB? (Using Table 430.52 x 60 deg C rating of 12 AWG) or 20 AT MCCB will suffice? (Table 430.52 x FLC which is 8 Amps)
2. My current knowledge tells me that I should use 50 AT MCCB for this example. If that's correct, my EGC would be 10 AWG. However, 250.122(A) allows my EGC not to be larger than my phase conductors. Therefore, my conductors would be 12 AWG Phase Conductors + 12 AWG EGC. Am I right?

Thank you!
The GFSC device should not be larger than allowed by 430.52 (2.5 X motor FLA from Tables) so your 20 amp would be the correct size and you are correct that your EGC need not be larger than your phase conductor {250.122(A)}.
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