Egress lighting


Senior Member
Kansas City
We have stamped blueprints but there are 8 bathrooms yet only 1 shows an emergency light. The foreman is wanting to rough in for “bug eye” em lights even though they aren’t shown on the drawings. Do ALL bathrooms absolutely need em lighting is there a code for it or is it a building code and if the drawings are approved without having them should we not rough any in? We just want to be safe from the inspector or fire marshall
Review the adopted building code for your project. If it happens to be the International Building Code 2021, then see Section 1008.3, public restrooms 300sq-ft and larger
Does the INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE trump all AHJ’s? Like if the bathrooms aren’t 300sq ft and doesn’t have an EM light but the inspector says we need one can we show him the building code ?
Does the INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE trump all AHJ’s? Like if the bathrooms aren’t 300sq ft and doesn’t have an EM light but the inspector says we need one can we show him the building code ?
An AHJ can't legally make stuff up. Sometimes they need to be educated gently. Double check which building code version is adopted in your jurisdiction and look up the language in that edition to see what is required.