Elec. equipment inside walk in cooler/freezer

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Senior Member
Can pull box, disconnect and electrical outlets be installed inside walk in cooler/freezer, any specific enclosures are needed
since this is low temperature environment...
Can pull box, disconnect and electrical outlets be installed inside walk in cooler/freezer, any specific enclosures are needed
since this is low temperature environment...
They can and frequently are.
I say yes, with everything considered a wet environment, and penetrations sealed.
I agree that the penetrations need sealed for the same reason you need to seal a penetration into a building. I disagree about the wet environment part. One of the driest places you'll ever find is the inside of a walk in cooler.
I agree that the penetrations need sealed for the same reason you need to seal a penetration into a building. I disagree about the wet environment part. One of the driest places you'll ever find is the inside of a walk in cooler.
Even condensation, say in a refrigerator vs a freezer?

Wouldn't there be a dew-point somewhere in the penetrative wiring even sealed?
It's not an ice cave.
You're right, and I don't have a lot of real world experience in electrical installation. But I do have a lot of real world experience.

I would just wire it as if it were a wet location. I think that at some point there is a very real possibility that it will start having problems like every refrigerator/freezer I have ever owned, where it will stop cooling efficiently or someone will leave the door open and water will start condensing on every surface like on a glass of ice water on a humid day.
-That's all I got to say about that. (Forrest Gump)
There is a very real possibility your roof will have a leak. Are you going to take similar precautions?
No. But that's just me making decisions on likelihood or probability of what I think could be an issue. We just have different risk assessments.
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