Electric Boiler Demand Factor


Question: Should large electric boilers be considered a general load or a heating load for service size calculations?

The way that I interpret the code right now is that section 220.82 allows you to take the boiler load at the demand factor for general loads of 100% for the first 10kVA and at 40% for the rest of the loads. Does having a 40% demand factor on a large restrictive electrical element that can have a large peak usage make sense? Im not to familiar with the heating cycle of these boilers, but it feels wrong to have say a 100A boiler have a 40% demand factor.
Question: Should large electric boilers be considered a general load or a heating load for service size calculations?

The way that I interpret the code right now is that section 220.82 allows you to take the boiler load at the demand factor for general loads of 100% for the first 10kVA and at 40% for the rest of the loads. Does having a 40% demand factor on a large restrictive electrical element that can have a large peak usage make sense? Im not to familiar with the heating cycle of these boilers, but it feels wrong to have say a 100A boiler have a 40% demand factor.
I'd classify a boiler for hydronic heating under 220.82(C)(6)