Electric car charger wiring question

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Santa Clara, CA
I have an appliance that pulls 75 amps MAX, but generally pulls 40 or 30 amps (unless I somehow get a Tesla with dual chargers). I see on the cerrowire chart that I can use 6 AWG THHN 90C rated cable. However I need to oversize my breaker by 125% if I'm not mistaken. I'm going to go with a 90amp two pole breaker.
Now my friend seems to think I need to wire it into the panel using the circuit breaker's rating, NOT my appliance. He seems to think I need 4/2 and 8/1, not 6/2 and 8/1. Problem is the hole for the power coming in and liquid tight conduit will not accommodate 4/2 and 8/1. Am I right or is he?
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