Electric Fire Pump

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Senior Member
Please follow me on this one......

I have a double ended substation, the lay out is as follows.....
15kv disconnect for sub 'A' -> 13.8/480 Transformer 'A' -> main 'A' -> distribution breakers -> tie breaker -> distribution breakers -> main 'B' -> 13.8/480 Transformer 'B' -> 15kv disconnect for sub 'B'

I'm having a new electric fire pump installed and the engineer want's to bug the mains between the transformer 'A' secondary and the Main 'A' circuit breaker. I want a new distribution circuit breaker in a cubicle to feed the fire pump.

This way if I have a failure of either 15kv feeders, disconnects or transformers I can open the main and close the tie and still feed the pump. There will also be a transfer switch to an emergency generator.

My way I have the ability of feeder 'A', feeder 'B' or emergency. The engineer's way I only have Main 'A' or generator.

I realize this is long winded but any thoughts?


charlie tuna

Senior Member
Re: Electric Fire Pump

what you want is three possible power sources -- A-B and the generator. the real backup supply is the generator in any of the choices and that tie you want is basically "overkill" in my oppinion. utility power can not be depended on during a fire because many times the fire can cause the utility to shutdown...


Senior Member
Re: Electric Fire Pump


My other concern is, should I have a feeder fault on 'A' or the unlikely hood of a transformer failure on 'A', my generator would need to run to support the fire pump until the failure could be returned to service. If I had a circuit breaker in a cubicle I could close the tie and open the Main 'A' to effect repairs with out affecting the fire pump / generator operation.



Senior Member
Re: Electric Fire Pump

I thought it was a good idea,Hey, you told the engineer and now it's up to him/her to decide.You did all you can do!! There are probally 10 more ways to do it,so don't hold it agianst the Engineer.

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