Electric heat
Is it me or am I not following the electric heating industry close enough?
Since the resistive nickel chromium wire heater and the heat pump it seems like new heat
sources and research in this area has stopped other than solar.
You know Edison experimented with thousands of different chemicals and alloys before
he found the one that would work in the incandescent bulb. I wonder how many where
experimented with when they came up with the nickel chrome heater wire?
I would bet my house if enough different chemicals and conductors where researched for
resistive heaters we could find a bunch that would yield a higher BTU per watt than the
conventional nickel chome we use now.
The only advance I have seen in this area is the electric hydro heater which is just an
electric heater with a water tank to hold the heat this is not more efficient just good for
reserve heat.
They have made a little progress in the thermal electric using semiconductors but these
are so power hungry they are not practical.
They have made tremendous progress in the lighting industry. Why couldn?t they try and
make a heating system on the same basic principles they are producing all this bright
white light with? By using high pressure or low pressure gases and pushing a high voltage
through it to produce heat instead of light, and trying to get the largest Calorie or BTU out
of it they can and encasing them in metal tubes.
Be a very good thing for the transformer or ballast industry and for us electricians to work
This could be Gas electric heat.
Is it me or am I not following the electric heating industry close enough?
Since the resistive nickel chromium wire heater and the heat pump it seems like new heat
sources and research in this area has stopped other than solar.
You know Edison experimented with thousands of different chemicals and alloys before
he found the one that would work in the incandescent bulb. I wonder how many where
experimented with when they came up with the nickel chrome heater wire?
I would bet my house if enough different chemicals and conductors where researched for
resistive heaters we could find a bunch that would yield a higher BTU per watt than the
conventional nickel chome we use now.
The only advance I have seen in this area is the electric hydro heater which is just an
electric heater with a water tank to hold the heat this is not more efficient just good for
reserve heat.
They have made a little progress in the thermal electric using semiconductors but these
are so power hungry they are not practical.
They have made tremendous progress in the lighting industry. Why couldn?t they try and
make a heating system on the same basic principles they are producing all this bright
white light with? By using high pressure or low pressure gases and pushing a high voltage
through it to produce heat instead of light, and trying to get the largest Calorie or BTU out
of it they can and encasing them in metal tubes.
Be a very good thing for the transformer or ballast industry and for us electricians to work
This could be Gas electric heat.