Electric Meter Information

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Senior Member
I am doing a big building project with a lot of tenants. The energy company will install one electric meter in a new switching station owned by the energy company. But the electric meter will be owned by the big building owner. The building owner also wants to bill each tenants on electricity used. So each tenant will have an electric meter.

Could you please tell me where I can find the information about those electric meters? I believe there are all kinds of meters with different function such as remote meter reading etc. Thanks.
Check out Emon


Also your customer should check the laws in their area before they go to far.

I don't believe many areas allow the building owner to make money on the power, they can only charge what they pay.
The meter has to be tested, and certified (by letter) that it is revenue quality. The manufacturer can't simply just advertise it.

E-mon makes a good product and I believe proper certification is available.
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If it's a big building with a lot of tenants, it is also possible that the owner will be paying substantial demand charges. The utility may provide rate relief for installing automatic load shedding devices.

To account for the various tenants and bill them fairly for their use during peak periods takes a lot of overhead. Some tenants do their best to conserve during peak periods, and the entire billing issue can be sensitive. So what this is leading to, is presenting your client with an energy management system with metering, software, etc., as an option. Of course now, in the planning stage, would be the time to consider this option.

One company which builds equipment themselves and may be able to connect you with an off-site billing service would be veris. Not an endorsement, just someone else to call besides your switchgear supplier.
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