Electric panel as tap box for another panel

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That just looks like an accident waiting to happen...
how is the verification done to guarantee which meter feeds which apartment should the bottom one need to be changed out?
That just looks like an accident waiting to happen...
how is the verification done to guarantee which meter feeds which apartment should the bottom one need to be changed out?

I completely agree. The meters and panels are already there. For one reason or another though, the feeder had to be routed through the bottom floor panel and spliced.
I guess I understand why they did it... I just don’t understand WHY they did it.
I’m trying to go through and see if it’s allowed. I don’t think it is NOT allowed, but just because you can doesn’t mean you should...
Although this is messy, I think this is code compliant.

My code reference would be NEC 2014, section 312.8 but would have to comply with 312.8 (1 thru 3)

312.8 (NEC 2014)
The wiring space of enclosures for switches or overcurrent
devices shall be permitted for conductors feeding through,
spliced, or tapping off to other enclosures, switches, or overcurrent
devices where all of the following conditions are met:

(1) The total of all conductors installed at any cross section of
the wiring space does not exceed 40 percent of the crosssectional
area of that space.
(2) The total area of all conductors, splices, and taps installed
at any cross section of the wiring space does not exceed
75 percent of the cross-sectional area of that space.
(3) A warning label complying with 110.21(B) is applied to the
enclosure that identifies the closest disconnecting means
for any feed-through conductors.
It's done this way all of the time and is permitted by 215.4 Typically 3 apartments sharing a single neutral.

215.4 Feeders with Common Neutral Conductor.
(A) Feeders with Common Neutral. Up to three sets of
3-wire feeders or two sets of 4-wire or 5-wire feeders shall
be permitted to utilize a common neutral.
(B) In Metal Raceway or Enclosure. Where installed in a
metal raceway or other metal enclosure, all conductors of
all feeders using a common neutral conductor shall be en-
closed within the same raceway or other enclosure as re-
quired in 300.20.
Would 215.4 come into play?
I see these as service conductors rather than feeder conductors.
There isn’t a service disconnect drawn until you get to the apartments.
Would 215.4 come into play?
I see these as service conductors rather than feeder conductors.
There isn’t a service disconnect drawn until you get to the apartments.

There is overcurrent protection for each feeder outside, I Just didnt draw it in there for the purposes of discussion. Good catch though.
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