Electric range in a barn

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Senior Member
Northern NJ
Owner TJ Electric
Got a customer who wants to put an electric range in a barn.

I was going through what I need to do to get this code compliant:
1) GFCI breaker for the range feed.
2) Twist lock on the range whip?
3) In use cover?

Do I need #2 and #3?
Thank you.
Larry is correct code wise..which makes him a WISE-guy.....;)

But you do know the general location and conditions. It may just behove you to recommend to the customer that the GFCI device will provide a little extra protection from shock. Put this in writing with your proposal as an option. Let them say no. If an incident should occur, you have the protection offered in your proposal to help protect you in a manner.
---Just thinking out loud.

I am curious as to the wiring method you are proposing to use?

Is this range for people or cows usage??? :D:cool:
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