electric wall heater in bathroom

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Cove heaters are a much better way to go if you are not doing ceiling.
I don't believe there is a minimum distance unless the mfg states so in the instructions. I have never seen a unit with any restrictions for a sink or shower. IMO, you are better off with a kickspace heater. The wall units can be dangerous in a bathroom unless you have an open wall area and then they look bad. These fit in the kick space under the bath vanity

I guess I'll treat it as.....if not in the shower enclosure, it's OK.
I guess I'll treat it as.....if not in the shower enclosure, it's OK.

That's true unless it is installed under a towel rack or where a door can butt up to it. I believe the unit has specs about what I mentioned and some also have a height off the floor- usually about 2'
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