I tried to edit but what I meant to say was the Welders Rated Primary Current, or the Welder(s) amperage after the applicable Duty Cycle factor value derived from Table 630.11(A).I understand the requirements for welders in article 630 for sizing branch circuits and OCPD's...but are the individual welders added to the service calculation at their Rated Primary Input, or their Duty Cycle %?
I have used 630.11(B) for sizing a feeder to multiple welders, but wanted to be clear on if those demand factors would also apply if I was performing an overall standard service calculation for a building that had several welders in addition to the other usual loads such as lighting, A/C, heat, receptacles etc. I am about to test for another Masters license, and have been running various load/equipment scenarios involving standard service calculations. I usually have no problem with any of artice 220, but occasionally run across a particular piece of equipment that makes me think about where and how it fits into the standard service calculation.630.11(B) gives more diversity factors for three or more welders. It's 100% for the two largest, 85% for the third largest, 70% for the fourth largest and 60% for all the rest. These diversities apply to the duty-cycle currents from table 630.11(A).