Electrical Administrator

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Senior Member
Electrician ,contractor
you need to get a license and hire a Jor company journeyman that is registered to your company.


Senior Member
It may not be worth it.

It may not be worth it.

I'm a Washington located contractor and up until this year I was Oregon licensed also. I quit because it's a loss to bid jobs low enough to win them, then have to deal with all the wasted drive time getting them done.

You will need:
In this order, some cannot be gotten without having the other.

Plenty of $$ for all this crap.
An Oregon signing supervisors license, (Like a Master Electrician) the only one to sign permits.
The catch here is that to get a signing supervisors license you will have to "qualify" to take the test, and then pass it.
Last I heard, there is only about a 5% pass rate. Guys have paid thousands to take a pre-test class and still flunk it.
You should make sure that you can get this license first there is a very good chance that you will not pass the test.

If a corp. to register as a foreign corporation. If not register the business name.
A Construction Contractors Board license to be a contractor. (You will be required to take a test)
A Building Codes Division License, as electrical contractor.



Senior Member
Yachats Oregon
I'm a Washington located contractor and up until this year I was Oregon licensed also. I quit because it's a loss to bid jobs low enough to win them, then have to deal with all the wasted drive time getting them done.

You will need:
In this order, some cannot be gotten without having the other.

Plenty of $$ for all this crap.
An Oregon signing supervisors license, (Like a Master Electrician) the only one to sign permits.
The catch here is that to get a signing supervisors license you will have to "qualify" to take the test, and then pass it.
Last I heard, there is only about a 5% pass rate. Guys have paid thousands to take a pre-test class and still flunk it.
You should make sure that you can get this license first there is a very good chance that you will not pass the test.

If a corp. to register as a foreign corporation. If not register the business name.
A Construction Contractors Board license to be a contractor. (You will be required to take a test)
A Building Codes Division License, as electrical contractor.


Oregon definitely sets the bar high. I had to jump through some major hoops. In my case I had to give them 24,000 hours of documented, notarized letters of past work experience just to qualify to take the supervisors test.

I had heard that the pass rate was more like 3% and after taking the test I believe it. The test itself is unique. It is a 4 hour two part test. You must pass each test with a 75% score or higher. No reflection on the great state of Colorado, but this test made the Colorado Masters test seem like a pop quiz.
Bring your "A" game if you plan to take this test.
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