electrical code books

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i am looking for an electrical code book, can anyone recommened one to me i need one that that gives me the basic methods of calculating cable sizes, power factor , and descrimination etc etc , i live in latin america and they work on the same principle as america.i have been told that a good book is the nec one , appreciate any ideas thatyou may have
razzle :p
Re: electrical code books

Are you certain you know what type of information that you need? The code book will tell you nothing about methods of calculating cable size or power factor, and I don?t know what you meant by ?discrimination.? The code book only talks about the requirements, not how to satisfy the requirements. It is not a design guide, it is a rule book.

So are you looking for rules, or are you looking for instructions? In either case, the recommendations given above should help you. But it would help you even more if you could do your search with a clearer idea of what you are hoping to find.

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