Electrical Connection for Residential Sump Pump

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Hello all! I am a simple homeowner and have a question regarding the electrical connection for a sump pump. The sump pump is just outside the foundation/crawlspace installed inside a plastic meter box. The drain hose and power cord snake through a hole in the foundation and into the crawlspace.

The power cord is plugged into a standard extension cord which is snaking across the house and plugged into a GFCI outlet under the master bath whirlpool tub. The tub and the extension cord/sump pump are the only 2 things on this circuit.

My builder has said that this is pretty standard and that by having the sump on the GFCI with only the tub, if we ever have a problem with the sump there can only be 2 possible issues. I'm a bit uncomfortable with this arrangement since it seems like it was thrown together. The builder has said that he will run another electric line and a new outlet but then started talking about having to cut a hole in the kitchen wall to install a switch for the pump??? It's not on a switch now???

My question: is there anything in the NEC regarding the use of an extension cord as a permanent power solution for a sump pump, or really any application at all? I live in Chattanooga, TN and have been unable to get in touch with anyone in the county inspector's office. If anyone can provide any references or solutions to this situation, I am all ears. I certainly want to have something to take to the builder directly one way or the other.

Thanks so much in advance. Sorry this ended up being so long. Please email or post if you have questions or need clarification.


Senior Member
Re: Electrical Connection for Residential Sump Pump

Malson, continue to try to get in touch the inspection authority. The following is from the National Electrical Code.

400.8 Uses Not Permitted. Unless specifically permitted in 400.7, flexible cords and cables shall not be used for the following:
(1) As a substitute for the fixed wiring of a structure
(2) Where run through holes in walls, structural ceilings, suspended ceilings, dropped ceilings, or floors
(3) Where run through doorways, windows, or similar openings
(4) Where attached to building surfaces
Exception: Flexible cord and cable shall be permitted to be attached to building surfaces in accordance with the provisions of 368.8.
(5) Where concealed by walls, floors, or ceilings or located above suspended or dropped ceilings
(6) Where installed in raceways, except as otherwise permitted in this Code


Re: Electrical Connection for Residential Sump Pump

Thanks so much for the reply Charlie. I'm going to be getting back with my builder and have him come out and put in a separate line for the sump in order to comply with the code. I knew that it just didn't feel right. I'm goign to run down to the library and photocopy the relevent protion of the NEC. Thanks for the citation.
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