Electrical Contractor Interview

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Journeyman Electrician

I’m a new business owner looking to hit the ground heavily in the beginning of the year. The problem is there isn’t much data or widely available information out there for contractors. There are a couple of Electrical Contractor how to books that I’ve read, but these tend to hit the mountain tops instead of getting down into the nitty gritty. So, I have a proposal for the group.

I’d like to interview any and all of you that would be willing. I’ve compiled a list of questions based around software, customer acquisition and retention, pricing practices, writing out procedures, tax liability control, etc.
I would like to compile a list of data from many contractors in different markets that aren’t competing with each other. I will take this data and compile it in a way to share with this group that will hopefully benefit everyone - new and old contractors.

This interview would be conducted via email or PM where I send you the list of questions and you answer any and all that you feel comfortable with. I see this as a great opportunity to inject some actually useful info into our industry. We have, at our disposal, the minds/brains/thought patterns of many different owners in this group. Let’s put it to good use. There are A LOT of contractors on this forum from all over the world with TONS of information that we can use to make ourselves, our businesses, and therefore our industry, better.

I need a minimum of 25 to move forward with this project. I’d like to publish data before the end of the year. If you’re interested, please comment below. I also hope to see some meaningful conversation about this in the comment section.

Thank you, Chad Martin.

And to prove I’m not some crazy that’s doing some marketing thing, here’s my business website for proof that I'm actually starting an electrical contractor: http://www.legacy-ec.com.

If you have other concerns about this, please feel free to DM me or email me at: chad.martin@legacy-ec.com
Nowhere on your website is your location listed, might want to fix that. And why does the link you posted have some sort of facebook redirect in it?
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