Electrical Design Software

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Senior Member
Is anyone using a good software suite for everyday design?

Im looking to start using some good design software but to date everything I found is either too technical for what is required, or doesen't implement the NEC.

I have an old copy of Dolphin Volts but it really isn't supported anymore and hasnt been updated in a decade.

Currently we are using a set of excel sheets I built over the years and inserting them into autocad but have to modify them as needed.

So in summary, any suggestions for software, if not, what are you using?


Senior Member
Renton, WA
EE, power electronics specialty
everyday design -- of what, just outlets and lighting, or ?

I use orcad PSpice, but likely way to technical for just power distribution, and zero NEC content.


Senior Member
Basically load calcs, panel schedules, misc. calcs for voltage drop, conduit fill etc.

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New member
Free plugin for calculating total lengths of cables

Free plugin for calculating total lengths of cables

There is free plugin for AutoCAD? for calculating total lengths of cables.

MeteorSpec has an editable Data Library, which means that you can always have a set of cables that you need for your work.

MeteorSpec can generate reports as specifications (summarized lengths per cable type) or as explications (list of all cables with detailed information).

Look at Autodesk Exchange apps. https://apps.exchange.autodesk.com/...utodesk.com:meteorspectrial_windows32and64:en

Program website http://www.meteorspec.com

MeteorSpec is a multi-purpose tool, so it can be configured to use in any field of design where calculation of total lengths and total areas is needed. These can be various pipes, cables and overhead lines, coverings, pavements, fences, curbs, communication lines etc.

Best regards

View attachment 12602


Staff member
Placerville, CA, USA
Retired PV System Designer
All of the links take you to the same web page, defaulting to UPS sizing, but you can select each of the others from the vertical nav menu.
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