Electrical Estimating Service

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New member
Hello All. New here.
I was just wondering. Does anybody out there use a Electrical Estimating Service. We have a great guy here who does this but sometimes we get bogged down. Any suggestions? Thank you.


Change order question

Change order question

Just a quick question since I notice that you said you're an estimator. When you do a change order for a item, but you have to credit something back that's being replace and you haven't done any of the work for which they want credit, does the credit you give back is at the same rate and with the same labor units used for the change order? For example, you charge $65 hr rate and with NECA labor units for you're change orders. Is this what you use for your credit that is given back? Or do you give the credit based on the rate and hrs used on the base bid used to win the job? Hope it makes sense. Am an electrician who wants to learn the craft of estimating. Hope you can give me some insight on a message or on this post. thanks!
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