Electrical & Gas Seperation

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Staff member
State Electrical Inspector (Retired)
IM from a member :::
"Does any Code (other than local ordinances) specify a minimum distance between a buried electrical line and a gas pipe ?"
Right of Ways

Right of Ways

Usually the utilities have their
corridors specifief by a planning & zoning
type athourity, which can be backed up
in court. Which really makes the codes
irrevelant. In my state the utilities pay a
real-estate tax on thier corridors. So the
governing athourity is the state. But I'm
refering to major pipelines. And the rules
for this installation should be checked by
the governing body, and not looking to
codes that may or may not have any bearing
on the correctness on this project.

The codes help, but there may be state
or local laws that supercede the code.

Just have to check.

& = & = &

There's nothing in the Codes, or NFPA 54 to require separation of the two,
or a separation distance between them........That said, most utility providers
have their own requirements for a separation of various types of systems
in their trenches.

& = & = &
Is there a common industry-standard separation used when no guideline is available? I've been seeing 12 inches mentioned in quite a few places for separation between fuel and low-voltage (<1000V) conductors...

Background: I'm working on a job where I'm burying a new concrete-encased electrical duct bank and it will route parallel to (the GIS supposed location of) existing buried jet fuel pipes. I have no idea what depth the fuel lines are buried but I'd suppose quite a bit deeper than our duct bank will be. Since it is all on airport property, we are essentially our own AHJ and I believe the operator of the fueling operation does not publish any requirements (although I'm checking into that).
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