Electrical Information Website...

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Senior Member
Before I post a site that I found incredibly informative, I just want to make sure it's ok to post it here...mods?
Is it selling the product or providing it for free?

Very good, please feel free to post it.

roger said:
BTW Eric, thank you for your consideration in asking.


np...i really liked the site and didn't want to spam with it...it's too useful...don't know how long it's been around, but i don't think for that long...
We have been receiving their newsletter for a number of years now.

The discuss a broad range of current electrical topics.
satcom said:
We have been receiving their newsletter for a number of years now.

The discuss a broad range of current electrical topics.

i just found about them the other day while in a seminar...how long have they been around?

edit to add: according to Alexa, they have been online since 1998...just call me "Scoop":D
It's the second generation of web pages, commerical advertising, commerical placement, all the bells and whistles in one place...
pretty slick :roll:
emahler said:
i just found about them the other day while in a seminar...how long have they been around?
I've been watching the videos there for a couple years. If I remember correctly, that site is run by NECA in some way. There's a backstory to that site, but I forget exactly how it goes right now.
mdshunk said:
I've been watching the videos there for a couple years. If I remember correctly, that site is run by NECA in some way. There's a backstory to that site, but I forget exactly how it goes right now.

well...thanks for sharing...:D
mdshunk said:
Is there a way to cut and paste bookmarks from Opera?
I've been working on that, off and on, for over a year now. I've gotten as far as how to back 'em up without backing up the entire program folder but the pasting part I'm still working on. Which browser do you want to paste them into?
lbwireman said:
Which browser do you want to paste them into?
I just wanted to paste them here, matter of fact. I know I've got some neat stuff bookmarked that I've never heard mentioned in a thread. The ElectricSmarts thing just jogged my memory.
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