Electrical panel in a marina / adjacent to dock (Article 555)

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Miami, FL
The local AHJ (Miami-Dade County Bldg Dept) has determined that an existing electrical panel (120/208V, 3PH, 100A) that is adjacent to a dock - is in violation because it does not meet 'flood design' criteria according to a FEMA document (FEMA 348 - Protecting Building Utilities From Flood Damage - Nov 1999). I believe the AHJ may be erroneously using this FEMA document (which applies to building support structures) to our 'free-standing' electrical installation. This panel does not even feed any buildings; it feeds lighting, receptacles, and pumps on the dock. The AHJ has instructed that we either need to raise this panel to the flood design level (about 10' above ground - not practical) or we need to make it 'watertight' - which I am looking into ways of achieving this (I have found "explosion-proof" panels from Appleton which are also listed as 'watertight').

Is the AHJ off-base on this? What are the actual requirements for this type of panel?

Thank you!
I have no idea what the fema code req. however the nec pertinent to this may be art. 682.2 Electrical Datum Plane & 682.10 as well as some others.
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I assume this dock is floating and the panel is attached to it.

If the water level raises then so does the dock, tell the inspector where he can stick it:roll::lol:

read the OP again, maybe it is not part of the dock.

There is no electrical code violation.

FEMA also is not a codes and standards source, they can make rules that need to be followed or you will not get any relief assistance from them.
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