Electrical PHD courses

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Good Afternoon

Can anyone recommend a good online electrical PHD course. Looking for something that has some form of video/schematic representation where it not all reading PDF's. obviously convenient, flexible and cost-effective are important.
Online courses for an Electrical Engineering PhD? That probably exists. It's harder to know if there's one you can trust and that others will trust as being legitimate.
I have signed up at engineeringcontinuingeducationpdh.com. Most courses are about $4.00 per PDH. I bought into the unlimited package at $99.00. I believe that is good for 12 months. That's all I will need to get my required hours for the present cycle (ends November 30th) and for the next cycle (Nov 2023 through Nov 2025).
I have signed up at engineeringcontinuingeducationpdh.com. Most courses are about $4.00 per PDH. I bought into the unlimited package at $99.00. I believe that is good for 12 months. That's all I will need to get my required hours for the present cycle (ends November 30th) and for the next cycle (Nov 2023 through Nov 2025).
Your PE cycle is 2 years? Mine is only a year.
I've used pdhengineer for a couple courses in the past. "Most" states (I think 40+) have a two year renewal cycle with a few (TX is one) having one year and I think one state has a three year cycle.
I've used pdhengineer for a couple courses in the past. "Most" states (I think 40+) have a two year renewal cycle with a few (TX is one) having one year and I think one state has a three year cycle.
That would be Oklahoma. It goes by the date you first got your contractor license - you need 6 hours before your third license renewal, and each three years after that.

Oh, never mind, you guys are talking about for electrical engineering. I am not as familiar with that. I passed my FE, but then never worked with a licensed engineer for long enough to get to the next stage.
In Illinois, all PE license renewals are due November 30 of each odd year.
So in the last week of November in every odd year, all the PEs in Illinois are scrambling to get their CE credits at the same time? :D
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