Electrical System Detailed Operation

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Senior Member
Its been about 2 years since college and I'm finding myself needing a refresher on exactly how electricity flows through conductors. My college program was heavily electronics based rather than power systems. I'm looking for details (ie i dont care if high level math is involved in the explanation) on single phase and three phase power used in commerical and residential applications. I need something to help me acutally visualize whats going on in the electrical system. I'm hoping to find something on the engineering level rather than something more basic. If anyone knows of a good book or website they can point me to, I'd be greatful.
Re: Electrical System Detailed Operation

Originally posted by new_ee:
I'm hoping to find something on the engineering level rather than something more basic. If anyone knows of a good book or website they can point me to, I'd be greatful.
This website is an excellent start. Mike Holt has several book available from his online store.

Also visit http://www.ppi2pass.com
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