Electrical Testing

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What are the requirement regarding testing of new and old installations eg. continuity, insulation and resistance and also earth impedance etc testing. Are these required in US and Canada.

Can anyone recommend good books or sites for this topic.

I only want to know as im coming to work in Canada in a few months.

Re: Electrical Testing

The only thing I could recommend is to buy a copy of the National Electric Code (NEC). I am in the states so I am not sure what the equivalent is in Canada. So I guess I will just stop speaking now.
Re: Electrical Testing

To: Snape, from what you are describing, I would recommend the AVO company.
It sounds to me, that you are going to be testing the insulation of wiring, and this is where you would be using a Megger. Also, you mentioned continuity. A multi-meter would be sufficient for reading of continuity of wiring.
The person that I would recommend for you to contact is Jeffrey R. Jowett, Applications Engineer. AVO International
Direct Dial: (610)676-8539
Main Phone: (610)676-8500
Fax: (610)676_8610
E-Mail: jeff.jowett@Avointl.com
Valley Forge Corporate Center
P.O.Box 9007
Valley Forge,Pa., 19485-1007
I have worked with Jeff, and his company and they may have offices in Canada.
Re: Electrical Testing

How come installation arnt tested is this not unsafe policy when doing installations.
At least knowing that your work it safe and no errors have been done.
Re: Electrical Testing

To: Snape, generally on any project that I have been on, the Electrical Contracting Company would megger out all of the wiring that they have installed, and they would give me the readings.
I cannot conceive anyone accepting a completed job without seeing all of the testing done, and documented.
I am referring to all feeder services, motor services, and motors, transformers. This should be in the bid package when you put your work out for competitive bids. We would use the term "Front-End-Loading" for putting out a bid package that is documented.
Re: Electrical Testing

i have the necessary test equipment--meggars-data loggers-etc. and i have worked in the largest buildings and industrial plants in south florida - a few of my buildings would do a switchgear cleaning and testing every seven years - this was done by the equipment manufacturer--ge-sq-d etc. the closest thing that happens down here is required now by the cities --a thirty year inspection. and after talking to the inspection department, they told me this 30 year inspection was instituted as a tool for forcing older buildings out of existance. many of the buildings i was involved with, would cost more money to bring them up to code, than it would to knock it down and re-build it. it also helps out the city's tax base since the new building tax rate would be updated to the current costs!
Re: Electrical Testing

Yeah that sounds like the kind of testing im talking about, do residentaial homes not need testing also when installing new circuits etc.

I only ask these questions as i am an electrician training in Uk on my 3rd year, but i will be moving to Canada in August time as my other half is from there and she wants home haha so here i go. And i will be looking for work and just wanted to see how much regulations you guys have as in the Uk it is very strict policy when it comes to testing etc.

I think i should find some work alright when i get there does anyone have any similar experience.

Re: Electrical Testing

i have heard the regulations are very strick in the uk.... thats because the uk electricians aren't very good!!!! ------------ just kidding you "bloke"!
there are no testing requirements other than those imposed by local authorities. none in the area i have worked!!!
Re: Electrical Testing

In my area of New York, You do the work that meets the requirements of the National Electrical Code. Then the job is inspected by a qualified inspector. All of your work must meet the NEC requirements. As far as testing goes, the only thing we have do meet testing requirements on is grounding.

Other then that it is left up to the installer to make sure all of the work is legitimate. In my area we also require 7 years trade experience and a test before you can become a licensed Master Electrician. Its up to the licensed electrician to make sure his / her employees are doing the work correctly. The license can be yanked at any time due to faulty / careless work.

Re: Electrical Testing

Try searching NETA.

We do electrical testing and recommended at a minimum, meggering cables (high potential testing/ over voltage testing, testing the Ground Fault Protection and micro ohm/ductor/contact resistance measurements on the mains if applicable, and IR on a regular basis.

Hospitals, data centers, government agency and other concerned about reliability do circuit breaker testing (primary injection)along with the above testing. Then there is relay testing, high voltage testing, Power quality, EMF and a slew of other items that fall under the umbrella of electrical testing
Re: Electrical Testing

I agree, go to www.netaworld.org. You can search for NETA certified testing firms in the US and Canada. In Canada I would recommend Magna, they will be able to answer your questions about requirements in Canada.
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