I am fairly new to the electrical field. I have been working in electronics for around 3 years now and trying to finish my Electrical Engineering degree while working. At my company we have just moved towards wearing all the P.P.E. that OSHA has been pushing for a while and during this process a big problem arose. I was told that the gloves and keepers were not made to go up and grab live high voltage wire(480). So with that being said are we supposed to kill the power always to work on it or is that up to us to decide whether or not we are comfortable to work on this live. I was told recently that we were not to shut the fead off to a large piece of equipment unless it was out of our comfort zone. It was shorted phase to phase (due to water) when I responded to the call. Now during this situation what would a seasoned vet due in this situation. I never enjoy handleing live wire when you know that there is a problem like this so I would like to here some different oppinions on what others would due in this situatiob. Thanks for your time.