Electrical training for new employee

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Senior Member
I have an employee that's been working with me for several months. He doesn't have the means to quit working and go to school. Any recommendations for online training or anything that would be helpful for him to get him to understand the theory of electricity and basics of electrical work? I can explain things and teach him on the job but that's a slow process. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank you.
Mike Holt has a lot of free stuff on YouTube so I would have him start there. Also have him join here and ask questions. Also vocation schools at night would be great too.
Search for >electrical stem kit<. There are lots of kits that teach basic electricity-- at a safe, battery-powered level. Most of them have electrical components, wires to connect them, and a booklet that explains what to do and what's happening. Things like switches in series, basic 'how to light a light bulb' circuits, etc.
I suggest either IEC or IBEW apprenticeship but that would imply your affiliation/ membership with either organization.

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