electrical wires for lights on wet columns

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Dear all:

The school board of Palm Beach is running electric wires for lights on wet columns for metal walk ways. Not only running the conduits they are installing the light fixtures on the wet columns.
After their top gurus investigation they indicated that the student are not in any dangerous. They indicated that the electrical wires are protected by ground wires and circuit breakers, and the junction boxes are designed for damp conditions.

Ok let me have your comments to bring to the superintendent to the

Hey have fun?????
Not sure I understand your question, but, if we have wiirng on light poles and the condcutors are suitable for a wet location, the conduit is installed correctly with the proper fittings, and an equipment grouning is properly addressed, I see no danger.
The wet columns are the storm drain of the walkway, they use the column as a pipe to drain the walkways, they do not installed any pipe inside this columns for storm drain. The same column is use to installed the light fixture for the walkway.
Since you are an engineer, do you have any concerns? Is that why you are asking? Are you needing a second opinion? There are a lot of folks here that will give you their 2 cents. I'd like to see a picture of the environment and structures might notice something a verbal/written description or drawing might miss.

I've had this conversation with an engineer who is a friend, many times :) sometimes one has to design an application was my statement, some other support statements where, they have jackhammers or the right tool for that!

I'll never get a direct answer from my friend but I know I keep him thinking!!
I do not see any electrical safety hazard, assuming the lights and conduit are on the outside of the "wet" columns. There may be an issue with the performance of these columns depending on the installation method used for the conduit and fixtures.
When I lived and worked down there, and including attending school, I have seen many of these walkways, and yes the lights are always attached to the pole or columns holding the roof over the walkways, Florida schools were different from other parts of the country, as all the classrooms had exterior doors and walkways between them, I never seen a interior hallway (except in the movies) till I moved north, also they drain the roof of these walkways into the poles or columns so no gutters are needed, the lights for the most part are clamped on the pole by a clamp type bracket, as far as a problem I don't see it as its been done that way for a long time, think of the column as a water pipe, you can't drill and tap it to mount the light or conduit, everything has to be clamped to the outside of the column.
Dear all:

The school board of Palm Beach is running electric wires for lights on wet columns for metal walk ways. Not only running the conduits they are installing the light fixtures on the wet columns.
After their top gurus investigation they indicated that the student are not in any dangerous. They indicated that the electrical wires are protected by ground wires and circuit breakers, and the junction boxes are designed for damp conditions.

Ok let me have your comments to bring to the superintendent to the

Hey have fun?????

Is qualified persons doing the installation? Your statement can be interpreted as the school board is doing the installation which I find unlikely. Who is the top gurus that did some investigation and what is their qualification for making any statement about it?

Is primary purpose of the column structural support or drainage?

I would make sure that any raceway in there is arranged to drain. It likely will get water (probably from condensation) in it no matter what kind of raceway or fittings are used.
They are installing the conduits and j-boxes inside the wet columns. So the light fixture j box is inside the wet column, it is not clamp.

watertight boxes? Is cutout sealed to prevent water from entering from around the box?

My experience with schools makes this sound like the fixtures will be subject to vandalism - especially if they are not too hard to reach. Fixtures on the ceiling would be a better choice. JMO.
electrical wires for lights on wet colums

electrical wires for lights on wet colums

Suggest a risk assessment to include comprehensive inspection and maintenance on the electrical installation. Electrical engineers' evaluation should be the deciding factor on safe and proper installation.
Hazard could develope in time without regular inspection/maintenance.
Hope this helps
electrical wires for lights on wet colums

electrical wires for lights on wet colums

We assume your "grurus" are electrical engineers and that a risk assessment has been completed encompasing all situations.

Hazards may develope over time due to lack of inspection/maintenance of the system (corrosion, damage, tampering, etc) and this should be made part of the decision making process to install this gear at this location.

In any case any person who has concern over safety should be formally heard from the facility managers and followed by by competent persons
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