Electrician required to replace damaged outlet?

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Re: Electrician required to replace damaged outlet?

We allow maintainance men do one for one replacements on switches and receptacles, after one we require a Michigan Electrical license


Staff member
Re: Electrician required to replace damaged outlet?

The NEC does not lay out those sort of rules.

Each state, county, city, town etc. determines those types of rules.


Senior Member
Re: Electrician required to replace damaged outlet?

Might i ask if your insurance would cover you ? Your now doing electrical work without a master to cover it.Should you do anything wrong and something or someone gets hurt you could end up in court or even be prosicuted on criminal charges.I would check with ahj and insurance company.

[ June 16, 2005, 08:05 PM: Message edited by: jimwalker ]

james wuebker

Senior Member
Re: Electrician required to replace damaged outlet?

You don't need a master with you at your plant to watch over the maint. man changing a switch or a recep. The company will be at fault if something did go wrong. A master electrician is good to have for bigger project where a permit is needed at that location. Most towns or city don't require a permit do the small things in house. Before I was a Master, I didn't need any license electrician with me when I worked in a very large plant. I believed that somewhere in the Corporation they did have a Master in a different plant but wasn't at mind. I became a Supervisor and if something happen on my shift I could be the one taking the blame not the worker. That's just what I remembered.


Senior Member
Re: Electrician required to replace damaged outlet?

As long as you follow all the safety requirements. Lock out tag out or NFPA 70. What I am saying if you don't know don't do. In a lot of states if you get injuried because you did not follow safety guidelines your worker's comp. claim will be denied. The company only has to prove they have a safety policy in place and you had the material availiable and did not follow it.


Staff member
Re: Electrician required to replace damaged outlet?

Originally posted by james wuebker:
You don't need a master with you at your plant to watch over the maint. man changing a switch or a recep.
Gentlemen, each area is different there is no black and white answer to this question on a national level.

Following the law to the letter here in MA a license is required, either Journeyman or Masters (Certificate A)

Here there is Maintenance Permit available that lasts for one year and covers replacement of existing wiring, any new installations would need a an additional standard permit.

Permits can only be obtained by licensed electricians or homeowners for their own house.

Rhode Island has similar rules.

My point is that you must check the rules in your local area.

Fines can be high for non-licensed work. :eek:

If anyone isintrested here are a few of the laws for MA only.

This first section applies generally






Chapter 141: Section 1A Licensure requirement; exceptions

Section 1A. No person, firm or corporation shall enter into, engage in, or work at the business or occupation of installing wires, conduits, apparatus, devices, fixtures, or other appliances for carrying or using electricity for light, heat, power, fire warning or security system purposes, unless such person, firm or corporation shall be licensed by the state examiners of electricians in accordance with this chapter and, with respect to security systems, unless such person, firm or corporation shall also be licensed by the commissioner of public safety in accordance with the provisions of sections fifty-seven to sixty-one, inclusive, of chapter one hundred and forty-seven.

This chapter shall not apply to: a person not engaged in the business described in this section who employs or contracts for the services of a person, firm or corporation engaged in such business; or to an apprentice employed by a person, firm or corporation licensed in accordance with this chapter; or to an agent, employee or assistant of a person, firm or corporation licensed in accordance with this chapter who does not engage in or perform the actual work described in this section.
This next section would apply to a any business that does it's own maintenance work. It requires a journeyman or an apprentice under their supervision do the work and goes on into insurance requirements.

Apprentices must be registered with the State, the electrician can not pick and choose anyone from the maintenance staff.


Chapter 141: Section 8 Learners or apprentices; theatrical companies; employers without a certificate; liability insurance

Section 8. Electricians regularly employed by persons, firms or corporations other than holders of certificate A, may install such electrical wiring, conduits and appliances or make such repairs as may be required only on the premises and property of such persons, firms or corporations; provided that such electricians hold journeymen's licenses, and have otherwise complied with this chapter. Any such person, firm or corporation may employ learners or apprentices to work with and under the direct personal supervision of electricians referred to in this paragraph in said installation and repair work, provided that no such journeyman electrician shall have more than one learner or apprentice working with him and under his supervision as aforesaid; but not more than one such learner or apprentice shall be so employed for each journeyman electrician.

Electricians employed by theatrical companies may install temporary wiring and appliances required for the purpose of the engagement of any such company, subject to the supervision of a person licensed under this chapter.

Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law to the contrary, no permit for the performance of electrical work pursuant to chapters one hundred and forty-one and one hundred and forty-three shall be issued by any city or town unless the licensee provides proof of liability insurance, including ""completed operation'' coverage, which has been issued by an insurance company licensed to do business in the commonwealth, or a bond or other type of indemnity against liability providing substantially equivalent coverage. In lieu of said insurance requirement the permit issuing authority shall accept the signature of the owner or his agent on the uniform application for a permit for work to be performed by electricians.
Also a permit must be obtained.

Here is just a portion of M.G.L 143 Section 3L

No person shall install for hire any electrical wiring or fixtures subject to this section without first or within five days after commencing the work giving notice to the inspector of wires appointed pursuant to the provisions of section thirty-two of chapter one hundred and sixty-six. Said notice shall be given by mailing or delivering a permit application form prepared by the board, to said inspector. Any person failing to give such notice shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars. This section shall be enforced by the inspector of wires within his jurisdiction and the state examiners of electricians.

Any person installing for hire electrical wiring or fixtures subject to this section shall notify the inspector of wires in writing upon the completion of the work. The inspector of wires shall, within five days of such notification, give written notice of his approval or disapproval of said work. A notice of disapproval shall contain specifications of the part of the work disapproved, together with a reference to the rule or regulation of the board of fire prevention regulations which has been violated.

[ June 17, 2005, 06:45 AM: Message edited by: iwire ]


Senior Member
Re: Electrician required to replace damaged outlet?

I did not say you need a master to be there.But without one being responsable for your work i see a problem.It has nothing to do with the mans ability.


Senior Member
Re: Electrician required to replace damaged outlet?

Thanks for the information. I will check local code. I couldn't find anything in NEC that would require it for this application but would have to be one familiar with the construction and operation of the equipment and the hazards involved.
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