Electrician X games

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I was thinking the same thing one day. They have lineman's rodeo's all the time (everyone needs to treat themselves to one of those), but other than the VICA competitions for students, there's nothing for electricians. I'm not even sure what it would consist of, but I'd be game.
One plumber I know said there should be a work truck 500, with requirements, no oil change ever or maintenance for that fact and fully loaded with tools...
Ken9876 said:
One plumber I know said there should be a work truck 500, with requirements, no oil change ever or maintenance for that fact and fully loaded with tools...
I know school bus drivers have driving skill competitions. I drove by one where it looked like one of those was going on. They were driving in reverse through an obstacle course in school busses.
"know school bus drivers have driving skill competitions. I drove by one where it looked like one of those was going on. They were driving in reverse through an obstacle course in school busses.:

Yeah I work for the state DOT and they have a snow plow rodeo every year, haven't seen it yet though
cschmid said:
I think I saw something that included electric fence any takers..:D
Maybe Frisbeedog can host invisible fence competition. And Pierre will sell the popcorn if he wants to Oh and official Photographer if he would like.
Count Me In.

Count Me In.

quogueelectric said:
Maybe Frisbeedog can host invisible fence competition. And Pierre will sell the popcorn if he wants to Oh and official Photographer if he would like.

Funny :grin:

Attention everyone! It's frizbeedog, with a Z :D

How about a competition on bill collecting from deadbeats. Most money collected gets a dog treat. ;)
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