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New member
I am wanting to get some opinions on a power quality conditioning system called Electroflow. It claims to regulate voltage, keep all three phases in balance, mitigate harmonics, suppress transients and improve power factor to above 95%.


Staff member
Plano, TX
Re: Electroflow

Smoke and mirrors. Just the claim it can balance a system is false, so why believe any of the rest of the claims. I have not heard of the system you refered too, but I do not believe it.

First to regulate voltage you would have to use a ferroressonant transformer, tap changing regulator transformer, moter generator, or a UPS to be efective.

Harmonics can be contolled by a ferroresonant transformer, tuned filter, or motor generator.

TVSS is controlled by gas tubes, MOV's, and SAD's

Power factor correction is accomplished by capacitors, but has to be calculated by the changing load conditions. Would require some kind of control and monitor.

Balance the load. Not possible by a black box.

A black box could be designed to to most of the things claimed, but it would be very big, expensive, and custom designed for each application.

An engineer in a box, I doubt it. My guess the thing is a couple of capacitors and MOV installed accross the line, with a line of BS thrown in at no extra charge.

Sorry to be cynical. :(

[ March 13, 2003, 11:48 PM: Message edited by: dereckbc ]


Senior Member
Re: Electroflow

Go to electroflow.com to see their claim. There is no such thing as a "cure all" It may do some minor things like surge suppresion and line filtering, maybe. The more it claims, the less it probably can do. I understand it cooks dinner real well also! :D I took a PLC class that they sponsored and try to sell, I mean inform us on their product capabilities.


Senior Member
Re: Electroflow

I went and looked at it. it is possable to control balance in a three phase system by electronic controled multi-taped auto-transformers and this is what is in the big gray box as well as surge tvss and large cap's to correct the power factor. I have a small line isolator/filter on my computer (made by triplett) that uses this very concept and it will keep the output voltage at 115vac even if the line voltage drops to 40 volts or goes as high as 250vac (A MUST if your computer is on a multi-wire circuit) and the output is very clean compared to the poco input. the phase balance there talking about is when there is a differance of voltage between the phases. and uses the same princable as the triplett does. So it's not somthing new.


Staff member
Re: Electroflow

Hurk, Why is it a must for computers on Multiwire circuits?

1000s of PC in office cubes work every day on Multiwire Circuits with no problem.


New Hampshire
Re: Electroflow

I have submitted e-mails to Coca-Cola, GE, and Ford and asked for confirmation and commentary regarding the quoted testimonials at Electroflow's web site, http://www.electroflow.com/

I will post in this forum any confirmations upon receipt.
Until I see quantifiable data and hard engineering evidence supporting claims such as these, I remain skeptical as to the validity of Electroflow's claims.

(Tastes like chocolate, cures cancer, costs less than a dollar...)


scott thompson

Senior Member
Re: Electroflow

It claims to regulate voltage, keep all three phases in balance, mitigate harmonics, suppress transients and improve power factor to above 95%.
Now, if it does the Windows, I would definitely buy it!!!

Sorry, just couldn't resist that one! (knocking the Manufacturer's claims, not the person that posted here!).

I too, would like to see some EE data on this, or any claims made by the Manufacturer!
If it's like the "Typical Scientific Data" of the Infomercial realm, there will be silly disclaimers and limitations to the claims, such as:

*These claims were anticipated only! No tests produced actual claimed values. Your results may vary.

Marketing strategies can make ANYTHING sound wonderful!!!

Scott35 S.E.T.


Senior Member
Re: Electroflow

I was just saying that when you have a computer on an older wiring multi-wire circuit it would protect it if there were ever a neutral loss or even if the main neutral from the poco were loss. I didnt mean that it was code or anything like that. it just would be better. as these type of filters/auto voltage regulators can ajust for high or low voltage brown outs. even if the neutral is not lose if a high amprage appliance on the other leg is turned on like a motor the starting current could spike the computer circuit. and I have replaced a few power supplys in computers that was caused by this. (a home owner was useing a vacume cleaner) so there is a purpose for these type's of protection. but like I said the one that I have (triplett) will protect from 40vac to 250vac and the computer will just see 115vac in any event. I'm not saying this system is a cure all to improper electrical installations, but it does have some power corection capabilitys that shouldn't be over looked.


New Hampshire
Re: Electroflow

".....We would like to thank you for the tremendously excellent job you Company and ElectroFlow has done for Coca-Cola. All that you have stated regarding improvement and stabilization of Voltage, Three-Phase Balancing, protection against Surges and Transients, Filtering harmonics and power factor of 98% have been achieved by the system. We have achieved a payback of 1.17 years.

Thank you very much for introducing ElectroFlow to our company and we are currently planning to implement this system in all of our other plants..."

Rolondo C. Constantino, PEE Senior Electrical Engineer, Coca-Cola
--- The above testimonial quote from http://www.eletroflow.com ---

UPDATE: The Coca-Cola Company e-mailed me verifying that this is an accurate statement. The technical study and system installation was performed by a local company.

I have e-mailed Coca-Cola in reply to ask for more technical info on their installation.

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