Electrolosis-Bad water or ?

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First off thanks to all that post to this site. I have learned gobs of info from specific to just reading different codes issues when I had free time (probably should look into a life). First time post and a long one so my apologies.
We have a builder that has been a great customer for a long time that needed help on a problem with the home he built some 20 years ago. The home is on the side of a mountain in Colorado that is basically built on rock. Yesterday first AM I drove up there and after he fed me breakfast I started looking into IT. Seems he has been going thru water heating (two propane heaters) elements for the last five years, has used 3 different types of elements and has a water softener (very hard water) and RO system for drinking. His plumber told him that the problem might be electrolysis that was eating his elements, associate with grounding of water pipe. Well? 200amp 120/240v service with a meter and disco on a utility power pole about 250 feet from house. Feeder is 4-wire 250al and an equipment gnd of #2al and driven gnd rod, witch bonds to neutral entrance conductor at that location and floats from there to a 40space 200amp main lug (no main?) panel in his garage. No grounding electrode system at house witch used to be OK. The well that is supplying the house is poly pipe from crawl space, back to well head and as much as I would have liked to have driven a ground rod, it was more than I was prepared (solid rock everywhere) for. Carefully pulled off the equipment ground in panel while it was in series with digital amp meter with .02 current on that. All voltage readings were fine with as much load as I could find from house. I checked all connection and with the exception of a little loose, from time, saw nothing alarming. No evidence of any corrosion on copper water pipes in crawl space or anything else for that mater. Any help would be greatly appreciated. T. J.
It's the Water ...

It's the Water ...

tjtrout20 said:
... Seems he has been going thru water heating (two propane heaters) elements for the last five years, has used 3 different types of elements and has a water softener (very hard water) and RO system for drinking.
His plumber told him that the problem might be electrolysis that was eating his elements, associate with grounding of water pipe. Well? 200amp 120/240v service with a meter and disco on a utility power pole about 250 feet from house.

Funny it just started happening, in the last five years, sounds like they changed formulas of the water treatment mix. You might get that question to the HO!

I won't trust a plumber with a plumber snake.

tjtrout20 said:
Feeder is 4-wire 250al and an equipment gnd of #2al and driven gnd rod, witch bonds to neutral entrance conductor at that location and floats from there to a 40space 200amp main lug (no main?) panel in his garage. No grounding electrode system at house witch used to be OK.

If you service anything about the panel install a Ground rod or even a ground Plate and maybe everywhere you implied that there was a ground rod. add an additional Plat. Who to say that the orginal electrician was so lucky to get 10' in since the rocks still there. JMO

tjtrout20 said:
The well that is supplying the house is poly pipe from crawl space, back to well head and as much as I would have liked to have driven a ground rod, it was more than I was prepared (solid rock everywhere) for. Carefully pulled off the equipment ground in panel while it was in series with digital amp meter with .02 current on that. All voltage readings were fine with as much load as I could find from house. I checked all connection and with the exception of a little loose, from time, saw nothing alarming. No evidence of any corrosion on copper water pipes in crawl space or anything else for that mater. Any help would be greatly appreciated. T. J.

Is there a lug on all this equipment for filtering, that was all ok ?
I'd be suspecious of the water system in toto. Ask owner if they had there water tested lately ? Water needs to be tested within 24 hours of being drawn. Test both treated and untreated. Good Luck
Thanks for the response. I believe the problem to be in the water chem. also. No DC present, no other corrosion issues.Will proceed on that. Thanks again!
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