In N. America, thermal mag circuit breakers must have a fixed thermal trip setting. The exception is that you can use adjustable thermal trips on “Motor Protection Circuit Breakers” (MPCBs) which means only in motor circuits. Elsewhere in the world, adjustable thermal trips are more widely used for everything.
Circuit breakers with electronic trips however are allowed (here) to have programmable long term trips, the equivalent of thermal trips. That provides more flexibility and in many cases that can have benefits. As mentioned they can also have separate programming for shorty time trips and instantaneous trips, as well as built in Ground Fault trips (Equipment, not personnel), which is especially useful at 1,000A and above where it might be required. A newer feature now is also “Maintenance Mode” (MM Trip) which allows for a temporary reduction of the trip thresholds to help reduce arc flash incident energy while someone is working on gear. That can be very useful.