Electronic Washing & Flushing

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In Health Care Facilities, does the NEC or the NFPA 99 state anywhere that electronic washing and flushing devices be on the critical branch? The maintenance dept states that it needs to be. This is a hospital by the way. Remodel. :confused:
Re: Electronic Washing & Flushing

517.33(A) gives a lists of the items that, as a minimum, must be on the critical branch. But 517.33(A)(9) is what gives the hospital the freedom to decide what other loads it considers ?critical.? I do not know if the ?Maintenance Department? has been granted the authority by the hospital administration to make that call on its behalf. So you may be well advised to get this instruction in writing.
Re: Electronic Washing & Flushing

Thanks Charlie
517.33(A)(9) pretty much lets them add whatever they think is needed. I forgot to mention that this is in a restroom and I'm thinking for sanitation purposes.
Re: Electronic Washing & Flushing

I would discourage them from putting that load on the critical branch. It adds unnecessary load to the diesel generator, and makes the critical branch ATS and other components bigger (and more expensive) than is needed. But it is their call.
Re: Electronic Washing & Flushing

Charlie b, I would go the other way. Given that unwashed hands are one of the leading ways of transmittimng diseases, I would call this a necessary load if there were no manual faucets in these restrooms.

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