Electronics Tech

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Being an industrial manufacturing plant in New Hampshire
Are we allowed to build are own Industrial control panels
For are own internal use without having third party testing such as a UL listing.
I am asking since it seems that we are exempt as per
NH 319-:C Exceptions #3
We do it all the time. UL listing only applies to manufacturing. UL says that a piece of equipment has been tested and listed as manufactured. If you want UL to approve any modifications, you need a field evaluation, which can be VERY expensive. Not usually done.
Being an industrial manufacturing plant in New Hampshire
Are we allowed to build are own Industrial control panels
For are own internal use without having third party testing such as a UL listing.
I am asking since it seems that we are exempt as per
NH 319-:C Exceptions #3

Are you familiar with NFPA 79, Electrical Standard For Industrial Contol? Get a copy of that publication.
When gewtting something UL listed I'm sure that you are aware of what latitude that there is in panel design when it is tested to and listed UL that can't be used otherwise. This publication provides a standard for self build panels that are outside of the UL arena.
The publication is quite breif and to the point as well as being very easy to use in my opinion.
It depends on your states rules. Washington has required 3rd part evaluation (Listing) since 1935. But we allow manufacturing facilites to make control panels, as an exception to state law.
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