Elevator Cab Lights non-highrise

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Senior Member
Boston, MA
I was recently asked if cab lights in a non-high rise needed to be on the Emergency Branch if in fact we had a generator and/or on emergency battery if we didn't

I believe the answer is this:

If the elevator is part of the means of egress which it would be for more than 4 stories, then Emergency Lighting is required which it seems to me would be via the Emergency Branch if you have one and by Emergency Battery Unit, if you don't. Do you agree?

What about a 2 or 3 story elevator. Do elevator vendors typically provide battery backup? Is it required?
Under 4 stories, we never specify emergency for the cab lights. When the generator is an egress element, you need a standby-branch feeder for the elevator (See IBC 2702.2). A life-safety-branch circuit for the lights is a nice touch, but the elevator guys will probably backup the lights with a battery anyway.

I think the elevator code calls for emergency backup for the cab lights. They are not in the scope of my commission, though, and the elevator guys never seem to ask for an emergency circuit for that.
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