Elevator drive is working normally on 3 phase generator set but showing phase Loss error code on grid power.


Elevator installation Technician
Elevator drive is working normally on 3 phase generator set but showing phase Loss error code on grid power. I have confirmed the phase voltage to be complete and also the line - line voltage
Please what could be the issue here
Is it possible that a phase wire is disconnected somewhere downstream of the point at which you took the voltage readings?
The phases are also complete at the source point into the building
A-B =376V, A-C =375V , B-C =376V
Phase to neutral= 217V

The thing is the elevator works well on generator but when I switch to grid power the drive displays the phase error code
Is your phasing correct. Not just your phase rotation, but the actual phases themselves. You may have to 'roll' your phases.
For some 'smart' devices BCA is not the same as ABC even though a 'dumb' motor would see the same sequence.
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Is your phasing correct. Not just your phase rotation, but the actual phases themselves. You may have to 'roll' your phases.
For some 'smart' devices BCA is not the same as ABC even though a 'dumb' motor would see the same sequence.
Okay, I will feed you back once I have done it
Is this a new install? Or was working, then stopped? If was working, possible poco screwup. As Jim said it sounds like the rotation is not correct.
No it's not... elevator was working well on but generator and grid power until they had issues with the grid power
No it's not... elevator was working well on but generator and grid power until they had issues with the grid power
I’m betting the utility got reconnected wrong. It’s happened before. I had a job where a car hit a transformer, the poco said they could not guarantee the rotation would be correct when they replaced it, and it wasn’t.
Does the error code appear right after the elevator is supplied with grid power, or only after an attempt to operate it is made?
If it only appears when you try to operate it, perhaps the voltage on one or more phases is dropping significantly.when under load. That could be due to a poor connection. Or maybe an open phase on the input of a wye grounded/wye transformer that is supplying the elevator from the grid.