Elevator machine room required?

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Is an elevator machine room required in a commercial application? I have tried searching different codes (IBC, ASME, etc..) with no luck. The only info I can find only refers to requirements within the machine room itself. Any info is greatly appreciated! thanks!
The California elevator code (http://ia700308.us.archive.org/9/items/gov.ca.elevator/ca_elevator.pdf) says:

Machine Rooms and Machinery Spaces.
(a) Enclosure of Machine Rooms and Machinery Spaces.
The enclosure shall be building walls, ceiling material, and fireproofing
conforming to the governing building codes. The material
and height limitations outlined in this section establish the
minimum standards for machine room enclosures. These regulations
are not intended to supersede applicable local building codes
establishing higher standards.

1. Elevator driving machines, motor generator sets, controllers,
and auxiliary control equipment shall be installed in a room
or enclosure set aside for that purpose.

(I think this is modeled on the ASME A17.1.)

Each jurisdiction may vary, but I've never seen an elevator in modern construction without one.
There are elevator systems that do not require separate rooms for the machines that raise and lower the cabs. These systems have the lifting equipment at the top or bottom of the elevator shaft. A Google or Bing search for "Machine Room-Less Elevator" will bring you to several manufacturers of such animals. I have used them in several projects. There is nothing in the NEC that would prohibit their use. But as has been pointed out already, there may be local codes that come into play.
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