Elevator Motor - 1/3 phase integral phase converter


Senior Member
Working on a project where the building is single phase. Elevator vendor is providing a 3 phase elevator motor with a controller that has an integral single to 3 phase converter.

They show the specs for the 3 phase motor on the elevator drawings. These specs match NEC Table 430.250 for the 3HP motor they're providing (208V/3PH/60h, 10.6Amp)

Issue is they don't show the single phase input requirements for the controller.
I have requested this info but they don't respond and owner wants the stamped engineering drawings asap.

Would you put your foot down and say either provide that info or no drawings or would you just use NEC Table 430.248 to get the equivalent single phase ratings and apply it to the inverter input. In this case per table 430.248 (17 Amps at 230V/1/60)

Would you ..just use NEC Table 430.248 to get the equivalent
Speed drives are typically used for multiphase motor conversions. VFD experts on this forum usually recommend RFI request for nameplate data, & perhaps cc to clients, since input requirements wont be derived from output rating, per NEC 430.122(B) informational note:
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unless you are running separate circuit to said motor, you should have a rating for the supply circuit to the entire machine as there is likely more than just the motor for load.