Elevator Overcurrent Protection

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Re: Elevator Overcurrent Protection

Originally posted by jpschultz:
What is the proper way to size the overcurrent protection for an elevator motor?
620.61 refers the reader back to Article 430, but specifically mentions that elevators can be considered intertmittent duty. Maximum fuse size is 175%. Elevator manufacturer's published data should also be consulted. I just use my standard motor charts that I would use for any motor.

Generally, on a design job I never know what size the elevator is going to be until construction shop drawings come in. I give the elevator feeder and conduit one size up, since the only sizing I have at design time is preliminary. You can call up Otis Elevator, and their lips are sewed shut until they see the final construction drawings, so nobody will tell you the horsepower. We base it on the horsepower of the last buildign we did that has the same number of floors, for lack of a better guide.
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