elevator pit classification

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Senior Member
hi, was asked to install the power to an elevator. This elevator will be in a Residence and used by a handicapped person to get around. The area below the elevator or pit will require a 220v circuit for the equipment, a light,switch, and a gfci recept. Is this considered a class 1 Div. 1 location where the electical installation would need to be explosionproof material?

And is a smoke detector required by the NEC? Any info would be great never thought about a residetial elevator.
Thanks in Advance ... Mike Detroit Mich. :)

George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Service Manager
Re: elevator pit classification

Why would this be a classified location?

See Part III of Article 620, which starts at 620.21.

One important item to note, only elevator-related circuits are to be installed in the shaft. If you have rooms of the house sharing those walls, the interior of the shaft will need to be sheetrocked to get the other circuits out of the shaft.

Hope that helps. :)


Senior Member
Re: elevator pit classification

Opps! :roll: Thanks George,
Guess I was thinking of a previous job where the elevator AND pit were in a parking garage. Nec 500.5 answers this question. {Classified locations are considered individually} also...Your important note will be taken into consideration the area isn't built yet.

Thanks Mike


Senior Member
Re: elevator pit classification


I'm almost positive that 'flex' is not allowed in the elevator pit or equipment room.

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