Elevator Work lights

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Hello everyone, been away for a while, busy as can be. ;)

I was in a recent discussion about licensing and elevator pit, hoist way area work.

I would like to know what others areas require. One of my buddies told me he (who is a licensed electrician)was told that he cannot install new light fixtures (replacing the old because its not enough light) in the elevator hoist way (the shaft area where you can see the elevators going up and down, not the mechanical room) because he is not a licensed elevator mechanic.

I understand about the safety issues, but of course he would be using lockout/tagout and there will be a elevator mechanic making sure the elevator is braked out.

Is this the same as other areas?
Well, I suppose that only an elevator mechanic could be sure that the new fixture was not going to stick out too far and hit the elevator. :)
I personally have only worked on new elevator pits. My supervisor has fixed bad lights. One thing I won't forget is 100 lumens in every corner of the pit.
Who says it's not enough light?
I usually see on the back wall of the pit a 4' 2 lamp florescent wrap and underneath where the door opens, the same thing ,,keep the lights below the stop in the middle of the floor.
From my experience the elevator trade and it's inspectors are a different breed. Stay on everyones good side.
Here we would do the work with an elevator guy on site running the elevator and opening the doors to let us in. Same with fire devices at the top of the shaft.
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