Elevators in High Rises (Massachusetts)

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Senior Member
Boston, MA
I believe the rule is that all of the elevators need to be on an Article 700ATS but that the generator need only be sized for one operating. Or is the requirement for Legally Required Standby? In any event, this existing building we just ran into has a single ATS that covers the elevators and Emergency Lighting. We're about to embark on a project to overhaul their elevators and I'm wondering if I will need to have, as I would certainly do on a new design, two ATS's.

So if
One small clarification. If you put one elevator in an elevator bank on the generator, you have to put all of the elevators in that bank on the generator but only one has to operate at a time. You don't have to have all of the elevators in a building on the generator.
I don't do a lot of high rise, but I think that is where I would put it. I could also make an argument for the emergency branch if pressed since it is for occupant evacuation.
And the ATS for that would be Legally Required (Article 701) correct?
I think that would be, "it depends". In most buildings, elevators are not used for occupant evacuation. Hence, all the signs that say "In case of fire, use stairs." Since they are not a life safety system I would think they go on the Optional Standby ATS, if there is one. Codes are now beginning to recognize the utility of having elevators capable of occupant evacuation, not to mention the Fire Fighter Service Elevator. Those may now wind up being on a 700 or 701 system. Elevators and their uses are in such a state of flux, I'd start by talking to the AHJ and fire department before putting a single line on paper.
Chapter 4, section 403 high rises indicates Standby for elevators, Emergency for cab lights in elevators. As this is required to be on standby, I believe that means it is subject to the rules of Article 701.
Chapter 4, section 403 high rises indicates Standby for elevators, Emergency for cab lights in elevators. As this is required to be on standby, I believe that means it is subject to the rules of Article 701.
I was going to suggest you look at the adopted building code, but it looks like you already did.

"Standby" in the building code is 701
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