EM lighting

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Senior Member
hey every one, upon failure of the utility power is is permissable for the em lights to only function via a switch? to where the em light only works if the switch is ON (there is standby power on premise) or does the light have to default to constant on making the switch in active? i would think the path of egress would light up automatically?
It all depends on your particular situation. Article 700 part V give the requirements for lighting control. Generally, for most situations, your emergency lights must come on automatically to full brightness level during a utility power outage (may not apply to your situation). If your backup power is via engine generator then the backup power must become available so as to illuminate the emergency lighting within 10 seconds (700.12).
It all depends on your particular situation. Article 700 part V give the requirements for lighting control. Generally, for most situations, your emergency lights must come on automatically to full brightness level during a utility power outage (may not apply to your situation). If your backup power is via engine generator then the backup power must become available so as to illuminate the emergency lighting within 10 seconds (700.12).
which the transfer does force them on with in 10 seconds BUT they way the want it wired is that you phycially HAVE to walk over (in total darkness) to turn the switch on for the EM light to come on, i feel that violates the NFPA 101 about egress lighting am i thinking about this correctly? the configuration i presented was the utility failure, it throws a little in the celing forcing the EM circut right to the light rendering the switch inoperable in turn forces the light on immediately
i feel that violates the NFPA 101 about egress lighting am i thinking about this correctly?
Is NFPA 101 adopted for emergency lighting in your jurisdiction for your occupancy type? It often is not.

In most jurisdictions, for most occupancy types, the adopted Building Code is the correct reference such as the International Building Code Section 1008.3.1 Emergency Power for Illumination of Means of Egress
It requires automatic illumination.
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